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viernes, noviembre 03, 2006


Nos mandan esta carta que le enviaron a Fox desde Estados Unidos"
November 1, 2006

To the honorable President Vicente Fox y Quezada, of the United States of Mexico…

On this day in November my wife and I were watching the news program, 6-9 on TV Azteca,(they have been known to distort the truth so forgive me if you did not say what I heard) I listened as you talked about ending your presidency. You said “Yes, I will go to my ranch, kiss my wife Martha, hug my grandson Vico” ….. Then later you commented…. “ Is an honor to be born in Mexico, imagine if I was born in the United States,,, uuuff” (yeah, imagine if you were born someplace like “Cleveland Ohio…Terrible!!)

First I would imagine that pride of being born in Mexico is all that millions of your citizens have. They have no jobs, no homes, and hope in the future. Millions of others have fled Mexico to find work in an Economy that WILL support them, in the United States of America. They send billions of dollars back to Mexico to help keep the economy of Mexico from being a total disaster. There are people that are living in homes that are made of sticks with cardboard tied to the sides all around thousands of your cities. They are not homeless drug addicts and mental patients that should be institutionalized, they are FAMILIES, with a momma and a poppa and many children.. Yes these people are proud to be Mexicans, proud because Mexican people are good people and hard workers. Mexican people are honest and very loving of there families. Not proud because they are BETTER than a USA citizen or better than a Iraq citizen. Not proud because they have the best president that helps them or the best governor that helps them and leads their country with honor. Not proud because their economy is growing and there future looks so bright. Not proud because their leader will give them six years and then… go kiss his wife and hug his grandson and live on his ranch … They are proud because they are individuals and they are Mexicans United, that stand up with each other for the betterment of them all. They are proud like the protesters in Oaxaca that stood together against a corrupt government, some dieing for there unity for their cause. To die for a cause is a dispirit thing for a people to do. A terrible sign of the bad state of affairs their governors are in. You have a right to be proud of these Mexicans, I would be proud too.. Despite the fact that I was the leader of these people and for them I give an economy that is supported mostly by drug trafficking and foreign jobs. But I would cry every night because I was a failure to my people, my proud Mexican brothers and sisters. You can smile and make jokes, but the people are not laughing the people are not happy for you. The people are not proud of your racist statements about being born in the USA. The people are not proud because you call the USA people racists because they build a fence to control their boarders. The people want there to be no reason for the USA to build a fence. The people want jobs in there own country.

I could imagine that your statements are to breed hate between the US and Mexico. The influence of the USA has brought hardship on many corrupt, oppressive governments around the world. The freedoms and high living standards in the USA have been a goal of many citizens in many countries and have caused them to rise up against their governments that have kept them poor and obedient. There are countries today that control their news media and the internet so that the people in their country do not see what is out in the world. They put anti-American propaganda continually in the news to make them hate the USA so that they won’t notice that there is a better life. (I am not saying that the USA has not done some terrible things, that is not the point of this letter though) Can you imagine being the leader of a group of people that are all equal to you?

Now I wouldn’t presume to think that I could look over the boarder and tell you how to run your country or set policies, but I do know pride, I see it in the eyes of the Mexican as he is sending money to his family in Mexico, more money each month than he could make in Mexico in half a year. I see it in the eyes and faces of the protesters in Oaxaca as they march and stand up against what is wrong. I see it in the man who lives in the stick house with cardboard sides as he brings home another bag of maiz to feed his children. And finally I see it in the smile of the man who has made his children rich and has made himself rich and has all that he will ever need to have his family live like kings. But pride is not enough nor is it always correct. You could of helped your country in the past six years and you could help your country in the future, you helped your family, you helped some important companies, so you are capable. But you didn’t and you won’t, you’ll go out to pasture like George, Bill and all the other ex-somethings. Your legacy being six years of leading the poor country of Mexico. Your arrogance is like the tail of a donkey, it covers up the place were all the crap comes from, shoos away the pesky flies, and it is the last thing everybody sees as you are leaving.

I was angered by your comment about being born in the USA, but I didn’t hate Mexicans for it, I only hate one Spanish American man who thinks he can say he’s honored to be Mexican and that makes him one…..

Esencialmente la carta--aparte de cagotear a Fox por lo de Oaxaca--le reprocha a Fox el hecho de que dice que le da gusto no haber nacido en Estados Unidos cuando la mamá de Fox nació en España y el papá de Fox nació en Clevelando Ohio--esto se demostró con documentos en La Jornada en Septiembre. Fox violó la constitución ya que la constitución establece que los hijos de AMBOS padres extranjeros no pueden ocupar el cargo de presidente.